How Long Can a Twitter Video Be? And More

A key part of your Twitter marketing strategy will be to attract followers and build an engaged audience. A good way to achieve this is by sharing relevant, interesting and engaging content that users will want to interact with.

There are many different types of content that you can share with your audience on twitter. For example:

Blogs you have written
Sales messaging with links through to your website
Useful content from other relevant sources

In this blog we will look at whether you should be using video as part of your Twitter strategy and specifically, if you do decide to use video, how long can a twitter video be along with more useful hints on getting video right for Twitter usage.

We’ll focus specifically on videos that you upload alongside a tweet rather than live videos or sharing videos created by others from platforms such as YouTube.

Should I be using video on Twitter?

Figures suggest that there are 2 billion video views on Twitter every day. That’s a lot of people watching video.

And that’s not all. Twitter statistics show that tweets which include video get 10x more engagement than those without video.

From these figures alone, it seems that using video on twitter could be a good way to appeal to people and to encourage people to engage with your brand and your content.

Of course, people will only engage with, and continue to engage with, your video content if it is good, relevant and gives them something – whether this be information or entertainment for example.

Ensure that you have a strategy when it comes to using video on Twitter – what types of video you will create, what their purpose and aim will be and how regularly you intend to post videos. Having a strategy in place will enable you to measure success and understand if using video on Twitter works for your business and brand.

How long can a Twitter video be?

Official guidelines on the Twitter website state that videos must be no longer than 2 minutes and 20 seconds in length. Or 140 seconds.

You can use shorter videos to upload to your Twitter feed along with a tweet. And videos which are 60 seconds or less will automatically loop.

It is probably worthwhile experimenting with the length of video that works best for you on Twitter. Users may be more inclined to watch the whole of a video if it is shorter in length for example.

What format should my video be in for Twitter?

Twitter currently supports the following video formats:

Mobile: MP4 and MOV

Web: MP4 video format with H264 format with AAC audio

Other guidelines also apply to videos uploaded to Twitter including:

Minimum resolution: 32 x 32

Max resolution: 1920 x 1200 (and 1200 x 1900)

Max video frame rate –  40 frames per second

Video Size – up to 512MB

Aspect Ratios – between 1:2.39 – 2.39:1 range

Do take the time to check back to Twitter before creating a video as supported formats and exact specs are likely to change from time to time as the platform makes updates.

How do you upload a video to Twitter?

In order to upload a video from your computer to you must:

1. Log in to your Twitter account
2. Select the Tweet (or compose) button
3. Select the gallery option
4. Select the video that you want to upload from your device
5. Write the remainder of your message to accompany the video. Once complete you can then select tweet to share the video and message.

There are other ways to share video on twitter as well as uploading a video which you have already created. These include recording a video via the Twitter app, importing a video from your phone or tablet and creating a live video from the Twitter app. Choose the right option for you and the one that works best for your Twitter video strategy.

If you are just getting started on setting up a Twitter account for your business, take a look at our recent blog on deciding who to follow on Twitter in 2020.

ACES Marketing are a full-service marketing agency based in Surrey. We can provide an exceptional service to small and medium sized clients whether you need help with a one-off project or want to develop a longer partnership. We can assist across the full spectrum of marketing services. Get in touch with us today for more information on how we can help you to grow your business.

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