A trip to Newcastle to film an interview

Spencer and I had an early start on 3 April when we caught a train to Newcastle to film an interview with Lee Clark, retired Newcastle and Fulham footballer. Armed with Camera, lights, microphones and fistfuls of cables, we met at Kings Cross and boarded the 9am train heading North. Spencer was in charge of the filming, editing and all things technical; I was responsible for the content and was conducting the interview with Lee. A long but productive day lay ahead.

A year or so ago we did a re-branding exercise for the GAIN charity and built them a new website. We were now working with them again on an awareness campaign and this film marked the start of this process.

GAIN is the charity set up to support those people affected by Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), CIDP and the associated inflammatory neuropathies. Lee Clark became involved with GAIN a few months ago after he sadly lost his father to GBS last year. He’s now the GAIN Ambassador and is helping to raise awareness of this little-known illness.

We arrived in Newcastle just before midday and set everything up before Lee joined us. We had just over 3 hours to film everything we needed before we had to head back down to London.

Lee talked about his experience of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and how he watched his father deteriorate. He explained that his father had been recovering from cancer when he contracted the illness. It took a couple of weeks to get a diagnosis and Lee and his family found this a very difficult time. His father remained in hospital for 88 days, until he made the decision to go home, knowing that he wouldn’t survive without a ventilator for very long.

By 4pm we had all the footage we needed and said our goodbyes, promising to share the final edits with Lee to make sure he was happy with them.

Once we got back to base Spencer got to work editing the film down to a 15 minute interview. He also created a few shorter snippets for seeding out on GAIN’s social channels.

At the same time we built a new landing page on GAIN’s website to host the film.

Take a look at the finished product and, if you have a similar project coming up, why not get in touch with us to talk it through? We’d be more than happy to help.

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